

We are not fighting the good fight of faith alone, although it can sometimes feel like it. There are more for us than against us. We may need to encourage ourselves in the Lord with scripture. We may need to ask God to open our eyes as Elisha did for his servant, who felt surrounded by the enemy.



Pentecost was this last Sunday. Some churches recognize and celebrate the day the church was born. Other churches go on as usual. Nothing new. Pentecost was when Jesus told 500+ disciples to go to Jerusalem, wait, and pray until endowed with power from on high. But there were only 120 men and women, give or take, obedient that day.



On the sixth day, God created male and female in His image. He placed the male in the garden and gave them dominion over everything that crawls on the land, swims in the sea, and flies in the air.

Together they were to be fruitful and multiply their acre of the garden until it covered the whole earth with the knowledge of God as the water covers the sea. Adam and Eve discussed the command given to Adam that they could eat every seed-bearing plant and green herb. But God commanded them not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, for if they did, they would surely die that day.

Adam and Eve agreed not to touch the forbidden Tree with their imaginations, which would stir a desire to taste its fruit. They still needed to physically touch the Tree as it was part of the work God gave them to tend the garden.

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